Monthly Archives: October 2014

Choosing to LIVE…


life is beautiful

Life is beautiful, and I intend on living it with that perspective. I came across a youtube video of a young woman who has decided to accept her lot in life to an early and planned death. Yes, I said it, a planned death. She was diagnosed with brain cancer, one of the most deadliest brain cancers that modern medicine describes. She has decided to die two days after her husband’s birthday.

As I listened to her story, I couldn’t help but feeling deep in my heart- fight to live. Why don’t you fight to live? I am very transparent with my life, and the challenges that I have encountered since I was a small child. I faced many horrifying events that could have killed me, or left my mind in a state of no return. None of these things set root in my spirit, because I choose to live. Not only do I choose to live, I choose to live a life of abundance, prosperity, and joy.

I believe there will be a point in all of our lives, where we will be put in a position to really fight for what we believe we deserve. That fight will come to your door, whether you will step up and accept the challenge, that is your decision to come to, but the revolution is here.

The same energy it takes to accept defeat, is the same energy to accept victory.

Please do not mistake my outpouring, as judgement. We all have our own paths to walk. My heart goes out to her, because I know what it is to face death, and say to it, not today- it is not my time. I choose to fight the good fight, until the Lord calls me home. You can accept what the doctors say, as the final word, or you can say, thank you, but no thanks- I’m going to live, and live fully.

She has come to a place of acceptance, and she has accepted death. We will all leave this earth, and she is choosing to leave in the manner that she desires. I pray that she knows the Lord Jesus Christ as her savior, and I pray for peace and love to flood her life and heart. And when she does passes, I pray for peace and comfort for her family.

There is so much to live for, be intentional in your life. Live with purpose and value. Contribute to the people around and to this world. Live life with love in your heart for all people, be that source of love that so many people are desperately searching for.

With Love,

Betsy Calloway




The Habit Poem

Author: Unknown

I am your constant companion.

I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.

I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command

Half of things you do might as well turn over to me and I will do them- quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed- you must be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of great people,

and alas, of all failures as well.

Those who are great, I have made great.

Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine though I work with the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a person.

You may run me for profit or run me for ruin- I will place the world at your feet.

Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?