Speak LIFE…


speak life

It’s been a challenging couple of months for me. I’ve had numerous hospital stays lasting no shorter than 5 days each visit. Sometimes I feel like I’m losing the battle with my failing kidneys, sometimes I feel like I’m believing in hope, but hope does not believe in me. Some days I feel angry, and some days I feel indifferent to my circumstances. But what I have realized about myself, which I already knew, but life likes to test what you think you know- I DO NOT GIVE UP!!!

Even though I have had a few set backs, I feel the need to brush myself off and get back up and try harder. I am determined to share my story, and I am determined to help as many people I can in the process. I don’t know how I am going to accomplish all this, but I will.

All this pain, and all this loss is not for nothing. I will accomplish all that God has imparted in me.

Speak LIFE Movement- it’s here.

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